District 2

Albany and Carbon Counties

Rawlins Riparian Habitat

Stream habitat improvement on small tributaries to the Encampment and Platte River systems through fencing, grazing management, stream habitat improvements, and other methods in southern Carbon County.

Total Project Cost: $341,000WWNRT Funded: $92,000Sponsor: Rawlins BLM

Encampment River IV

Instream structures and associated irrigation infrastructure to eliminate the need for annual stream channel modification that serve as a detriment to wild trout fisheries on the Encampment River south of Riverside, WY

Total Project Cost: $241,000WWNRT Funded: $44,000Sponsor: Saratoga Encampment Rawlins Conservation District

Rawlins Fence 2014

Removal of impassable fences and replacement with fences designed to allow wildlife movement in several areas in Carbon County, WY

Total Project Cost: $147,000WWNRT Funded: $37,500Sponsor: Rawlins BLM

Ryan Ranch North Platte

Development of instream structures to direct water flow and reduce erosion, sediment loading, and loss of habitat in both aquatic and riparian areas.

Total Project Cost: $324,443WWNRT Funded: $176,836Sponsor: Trout Unlimited

Encampment River Peryam

Bank stabilization and streamflow consolidation by placement of structures and vegetation in an engineered design.

Total Project Cost: $252,200WWNRT Funded: $130,000Sponsor: Trout Unlimited

Laramie River - Holland

River channel reconstruction and development of natural stream function to allow fish movement and a diversity of habitat types on the Laramie River.

Total Project Cost: $350,296WWNRT Funded: $50,000Sponsor: Trout Unlimited

Rock River Invasives

Treatment and eradication of invasive plant species, including whitetop, leafy spurge and others.

Total Project Cost: $66,120WWNRT Funded: $25,000Sponsor: Laramie Rivers Conservation District

Muddy Creek Retrofit II

Placement of fish barriers on the upper reaches of Muddy Creek in southern Carbon County, WY.

Total Project Cost: $225,600WWNRT Funded: $110,000Sponsor: Trout Unlimited

Encampment River Richardson

Aquatic habitat enhancement by stream structures and removal of invasive conifers in the riparian zone on the Encampment River.

Total Project Cost: $138,600WWNRT Funded: $53,000Sponsor: Wyoming Game and Fish

Brooks Cheat Grass

Terrestrial habitat enhancement by removal of invasive cheat grass through chemical or biological treatment in an area of high value to Sage-grouse, deer and elk.

Total Project Cost: $31,050WWNRT Funded: $10,000Sponsor: Wyoming Game and Fish

Savery Creek Fisheries

Restore geomorphological stream characteristics, fluvial habitat, riparian and wetland conditions on Savery Creek near Baggs, WY

Total Project Cost: $610,386WWNRT Funded: $35,000Sponsor: Little Snake River Conservation District

Savery Creek II

Project improving trout thermal and low flow habitat, bank erosion reduction, improvement of river hydraulic function to transport flows from dam releases, and narrow the channel and deepen the pools and restore streamside willows.

Total Project Cost: $614,289WWNRT Funded: $70,000Sponsor: Little Snake River Conservation District

Shirley Basin Grassland II

Ongoing research management project focusing on preserving, enhancing, and restoring the natural grassland ecosystem of Shirley Basin.

Total Project Cost: $1,008,610WWNRT Funded: $95,000Sponsor: Medicine Bow Conservation District

Muddy Creek Wetlands

Create and enhance wetland habitat by constructing a low level earthen dike and install water control structures to impound shallow water in two locations.

Total Project Cost: $38,000WWNRT Funded: $19,000Sponsor: Little Snake River Conservation District