District 2
Albany and Carbon Counties
Johnson Resources CE
Purchase of conservation easement on approx. 7,200 acres of private land in Carbon County
SERCD Spring Development
Installation of collection systems, pipelines and fencing at six water sources in Carbon County
E. Fork Encampment River
Removal of concrete weir that creates a barrier to fish migration
Rawlins Fence Conversions III
Project will remove five miles of impassable fences and replace with fences designed to allow wildlife movement in five separate areas of Carbon County, WY
Mowry Ranch Easement
Purchase of conservation easement on approx. 2,100 acres of private land in Carbon County, WY
Rock Creek Fish Passage
Stream habitat improvement through restoration of irrigation infrastructure and placement of navigable fish habitats in Rock Creek, near Arlington, WY
Muddy Creek Fish Barriers
Stream habitat improvement by construction and renovation of instream barriers to invasive fish migration into areas where native cutthroat trout and other species are found in abundance in southern Carbon County, WY
Encampment River/Riverside II
Stream habitat improvement by placement of stream structures and revegetation of bank on the Encampment River north of Riverside, WY.
Muddy Creek Wetlands IV
Wetland enhancement and development of new wetland habitat in conjunction with other improvements on Muddy Creek in southern Carbon County, WY
Encampment River III
Stream habitat improvement on small tributaries to the Encampment and Platte River systems through fencing, grazing management, stream habitat improvements, and other methods in southern Carbon County.
Little Snake Aspen I
Restore aspen woodland communities in riparian areas, enhance watershed/ecosystem function, improve aquatic and terrestrial wildlife habitat
Little Snake Fish Passage I
Reconstruction and implementation of irrigation diversion structures to allow fish to pass upstream and downstream in both high and low-flow events, and to reduce the entrainment of fish in irrigation systems.
Savery Creek IV
Stream enhancement program, to restore stream morphology, enhance irrigation structures, establish fisheries habitat, maintain and replace native vegetation, and manage livestock grazing.
Muddy Creek Wetlands III
Program to create shallow-water wetlands habitat through construction of low level earthen dikes and installation of water control structures on Muddy River, Carbon County, WY
Laramie River Restoration I
Streambank stabilization and aquatic habitat restoration on the Laramie River through Laramie, WY