Funding Application Guidelines
Applications Due March 1 and September 1
NEW SUBMISSION FORMAT FOR 2019 - please see instructions for electronic submissions under Section 1. Applications for Funding.
REVISED APPLICATION NEW 2016- please read! The Board greatly appreciates your input and has tried to incorporate all suggestions from the public during this revision process. Further revisions may be made in the future.
Application deadlines are March 1 and September 1
The trust account is governed by a Board of nine citizens, each representing a geographic district, and collectively reflecting "a broad spectrum of experiences including wildlife, agriculture, energy, sportsmen, and tourism" (WS 9-15-104a). Income from the trust account will be used to fund a wide variety of wildlife and natural resource conservation programs, pursuant to the application process outlined herein.
Applicants for funding should use the form attached to these guidelines. Other forms of application will be accepted in draft form, but all final applications must use the standard application form. Supporting documentation is encouraged, will be used by staff to evaluate initial applications, and may or may not be used in the final selection process.
Applications may be submitted electronically to Executive Director Bob Budd.
Electronic applications should be submitted as separate attachments as follows:
a. Application
b. Maps
c. Letters of recommendation
d. Other attachments, including cover letter
Email address for submissions:
Projects are designated legally as either "large" or "small" in scale. Large projects are defined as individual projects which require $400,000.00 or more in funding from the WWNRT and projects spanning multiple years will be considered as a single project. Applicants should understand that approval of large projects will require a sufficient amount of time for both board and subsequent legislative review prior to approval.
Projects are required to provide a public benefit. Applicants are encouraged to fully document all public benefits, such as continued agricultural production to maintain open space and healthy ecosystems; enhanced opportunities for outdoor recreation; enhancements to air, land, or water quality; maintenance or enhancement of wildlife habitat; preclusion of soil loss or disease; or other perceived public benefits.
The Board may grant funds only to non-profit and governmental organizations, but may participate with for-profit entities to enhance wildlife habitat, the environment, and Wyoming's natural resource heritage provided there is no allocation of financial resources to any for-profit entity. Funds may be used for planning, development, and monitoring programs at the sole discretion of the Board.
By statute and rule, the following types of projects are allowed:
Improvement and maintenance of existing terrestrial habitat necessary to maintain optimum wildlife populations.
Preservation of open space by purchase or acquisition of development rights.
Improvement and maintenance of existing aquatic habitat necessary to maintain optimum fish populations.
Acquisition of terrestrial or aquatic habitat when existing habitat is determined crucial/critical, or is present in minimal amounts, and acquisition presents the necessary factor in attaining or preserving desired wildlife or fish population levels.
Conservation, maintenance, protection and development of wildlife resources, the environment, and Wyoming's natural resource heritage.
Participation in water enhancement projects to benefit aquatic habitat for fish populations and allow for other watershed enhancements that benefit wildlife.
To address and mitigate impacts detrimental to wildlife habitat, the environment and the multiple use of renewable natural resources attributable to residential, mineral and industrial development.
To mitigate conflicts and reduce potential for disease transmission between wildlife and domestic livestock.
By statute and rule, expenditures for the following actions are not allowed:
No funds shall be made available for the reintroduction of any native or non-native game or non-game species pursuant to the Endangered Species Act.
The Board shall not have the power of eminent domain.
No funds shall be disbursed for fee simple acquisition of real property.
No funds shall be disbursed to purchase water rights, and no water rights may be accepted as gift, transfer, bequest, or donation unless such water rights are attached to real property.
Trust fund monies may be used to expand on, but not meet required mitigation, preclude regulatory actions, or for voluntary actions with a primary purpose of enhancing wildlife habitat, the environment or natural resource values.
By statute, the Board is prohibited from accepting fee title interest in property. The Board is required to make recommendations for such action to the Board of Land Commissioners, but only when such property is willingly conveyed by donation. The WWNRT Board may reject offers of fee title interest at its discretion.
No provision of this act shall be construed to alter the law of Wyoming regarding the primacy of the mineral estate, to limit access to the mineral estate or to limit development of the mineral estate.
Projects funded under this program shall not require public access to private lands as a condition to receive any grant funds. However, projects that maintain or create continued or improved public access may be considered as one type of public benefit.
Projects will be funded twice annually, with funds made available for approved projects in July and January. Applications may be submitted at any time during the year, but need to be submitted at least ninety (90) days prior to the next funding cycle (subject to the legislative approval process discussed in Section 2).
Application deadlines are March 1 and September 1 annually
All applications submitted will be considered pre-proposals, will be reviewed by WWNRT staff and subsequently reported to the Board. Projects selected for final consideration by the Board in any grant cycle will be reviewed on-site by a committee of WWNRT Board members prior to funding.
Projects should have a specific timeline for initiation and completion, with tangible benefits. Sponsoring entities will have the responsibility to maintain projects, and to report on progress and completion. Specific monitoring and reporting requirements will vary by project, but should be outlined by the applicant in the request for funding.
Applications should outline funding requirements, including funds requested to initiate projects. Where actual costs are not certain, no more than 75% of the project cost will be allocated prior to project completion, and payments will be adjusted to meet actual costs. Unallocated funds will be returned to the WWNRT.
It is the goal of the Board to assist all applicants in the process of enhancing wildlife and natural resources in Wyoming. Please feel free to contact the Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust at any time as follows:
Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust
Hathaway Building, 1st Floor
2300 Capitol Avenue, Suite 167
Cheyenne, WY 82002
307-777-8024 (office)
307-349-5387 (cell)
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