District 4

Sheridan and Johnson Counties

Tongue River Russian Olive

March 2016. Removal of Russian Olive through mechanical and chemical treatment.

Total Project Cost: $80,000WWNRT Funding: $17,000Sponsor: Sheridan Community Land Trust

Lake DeSmet Conservation District

March 2016. Program to restore the productivity of sagebrush/grasslands and previously converted cropland habitat in Johnson County to enhance habitats for mule deer, pronghorn antelope, sagebrush obligates and other wildlife.

Total Project Cost: $1,335,406WWNRT Funded: $60,000Sponsor: Lake DeSmet Conservation District

Upper Tongue Rehab

March 2016. Restoration of stream function through bank stabilization and development of fish passage where current barriers exist.

Total Project Costs: $139,100WWNRT Funding: $50,000Sponsor: Sheridan County Conservation District

Wolf Creek Conservation Easement

March 2016. Conservation easement on approximately 103 acres of native rangeland and farm ground in Sheridan County.

Total Project Cost: $960,100WWNRT Funding: $192,020Sponsor: Sheridan Community Land Trust

North Gateway Open Space

March 2016. Conservation easement on approximately 30 acres of riparian and wetland habitat and open lands in Sheridan County.

Total Project Cost: $667,300WWNRT Funding: $63,400Sponsor: Sheridan Community Land Trust

Sheep Creek Fire Rehab

September 2015. Terrestrial habitat enhancement by aggressive treatment for invasive species, fence replacement, seeding and other post-fire treatments to restrict overuse of forage.

Total Project Cost: $64,295WWNRT Funded: $20,000Sponsor: Wyoming Game and Fish

South Big Horn Mahogany III

September 2015. Enhancement of quantity and quality of mountain mahogany plants in an area of high seasonal use by mule deer and elk through mechanical removal of invasive conifers and other plants that impair growth of mahogany.

Total Project Cost: $90,000WWNRT Funded: $40,000Sponsor: Bureau of Land Management

Middle Fork Powder

March 2015. Removal of annual streambed diversion and replacement with irrigation structure that will allow passage of fish species.

Total Project Cost: $78,100WWNRT Funded: $40,000Sponsor: Trout Unlimited

Canyon Creek Crossing

September 2014. Improvement of aquatic organism passage and fish habitat at three sites within the Canyon Creek watershed, including replacement of perched culverts, Improvement of two degraded fords and improvement of native Yellowstone cutthroat trout habitat.

Total Project Cost: $205,576WWNRT Funded: $55,000Sponsor: U.S. Forest Service

Canyon Creek Crossing

September 2014. Improvement of aquatic organism passage and fish habitat at three sites within the Canyon Creek watershed, including replacement of perched culverts, Improvement of two degraded fords and improvement of native Yellowstone cutthroat trout habitat.

Total Project Cost: $205,576WWNRT Funded: $55,000Sponsor: U.S. Forest Service

EO Taylor WHMA

March 2014. Rangeland enhancements to increase forage and cover on a highly important habitat for seasonal elk, mule deer and other species in Johnson County, WY

Total Project Cost: $53,000WWNRT Funded: $24,000Sponsor: Wyoming Game and Fish

Southern Big Horn Mahogany II

March 2014. Enhancement of quantity and quality of mountain mahogany plants in an area of high seasonal use by mule deer and elk through mechanical removal of invasive conifers and other plants that impair growth of mahogany.

Total Project Cost: $50,000WWNRT Funded: $20,000Sponsor: Bureau of Land Management