District 3
Lincoln, Uinta, and Sweetwater Counties
Gooseberry Creek- Sweetwater County
June 2012. In conjunction with culvert removal on the same tributary, this project will remove two barriers to fish passage on the main stem of Gooseberry Creek south of Green River. Additional efforts to restore Colorado River cutthroat trout include local Boy Scout efforts to establish “hatching boxes” to increase the recruitment of native fish in the system.
Seedskadee Sills
June 2012. Replacement and restoration of rock structures on the Green River in the Seedskadee Wildlife Refuge will maintain wetland habitats and improve stream habitats for fish.
Red Creek Conservation Easement
March 2012. Purchase of conservation easement on approximately 4,500 acres of private land in Sweetwater County, WY
Shell Oil Farson IV
March 2012. Development of water delivery systems and rangeland enhancements to benefit Sage-grouse, mule deer and other species in Sweetwater county.
Seedskadee Ramp Fish Screen
March 2012. Placement of fish screen structures on the Green River within the Seedskadee Wildlife Refuge