District 2

Albany and Carbon Counties

John's Creek Conservation Easement

December 2009. This grant helps to close a donated easement on 640 acres of crucial elk winter range near Laramie.

Total Project Cost: $256,700WWNRT Funded: $5,000Sponsor: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Thorne/Williams Wildlife Habitat Unit

December 2009. Fencing improvements on Game and Fish research and habitat unit in Sybille Canyon.

Total Project Cost: $50,000WWNRT Funded: $10,000Sponsor: Wyoming Game and Fish Commission

Dad Juniper

December 2009. Habitat restoration for winter and transitional ranges for mule deer and elk in south-central Wyoming. The project includes removal of invasive juniper and grazing management by the Weber family to enhance recruitment of native vegetation.

Total Project Cost: $90,000WWNRT Funded: $20,000Sponsor: Bureau of Land Management - Rawlins

Focus Ranch Conservation Easement

December 2009. Permanent restriction on development of ranch operation, including important habitat for mule deer, elk, moose, birds and several miles of riparian habitat. This easement also includes some of the most robust populations of Columbia sharp-tailed grouse in Wyoming.

Total Project Cost: $1,094,200WWNRT Funded: $100,000Sponsor: Wyoming Stock Growers Agricultural Land Trust

Muddy Creek Wetlands III

June 2009. Beginning with one small impoundment along Muddy Creek, this project has expanded to include more than 800 acres of high-desert wetlands. The number of bird species using this habitat continues to expand, but is well more than 100 species, many of which are rarely found in Wyoming.

Total Project Cost: $162,000WWNRT Funded: $48,000Sponsor: Little Snake River Conservation District

Battle Creek Fisheries

June 2009. Stream enhancements and irrigation improvements on Battle Creek will allow greater production of trout, as well as other aquatic species.

Total Project Cost: $238,700WWNRT Funded: $43,500Sponsor: Little Snake River Conservation District

Pennock Mountain Meadows

June 2009. Improvement of irrigation systems on the Pennock Mountain winter range will add forage for elk and mule deer in Carbon County.

Total Project Cost: $104,328WWNRT Funded: $29,000Sponsor: Wyoming Game and Fish Commission

Coal Bank Gulch

June 2009. Stream structures will eliminate erosive head-cutting and create off-channel wetland habitats on this tributary of Muddy Creek that serves as a spawning stream for Colorado River Cutthroat trout.

Total Project Cost: $144,000WWNRT Funded: $47,000 Sponsor: Little Snake River Conservation District