District 2
Albany and Carbon Counties
Baggs Deer Crossing
December 2008. Construction of underpass and fencing to create migration route for mule deer in areas of high traffic and deer mortality.
Platte Valley Mule Deer Habitat
December 2008. Restoration of sagebrush and aspen habitats to benefit migrating and wintering mule deer.
Platte Valley Mule Deer Assessment
December 2008. Herd and habitat evaluation in eastern Carbon County to develop implementation strategies for habitat enhancements.
Cherry Creek Water Pipelines
June 2008. This project will includes the construction of pipeline on Cherry Creek, which will be in use when grazing cattle in the pastures. The pipeline will improve grazing use and reduce dependence and time spent in riparian habitat.
Little Snake Fish Passage I
June 2008. This project will include the reconstruction of irrigation water diversions so that they will allow passage for native fish. This in turn, will help improve the number of fish in the area by eliminating barriers.
Cottonwood Exclosure
June 2008. This project will include closing off certain riparian areas from livestock use. This in turn, will improve the usage from wildlife, including mule deer, antelope, elk, sage grouse and golden eagles.
Encampment River Watershed
June 2008. This project includes a prescribed burn of 271 acres and rehabilitation of 60 road segments and trail heads. This will improve terrestrial and aquatic habitat within the Encampment River Watershed.
Grizzly - Dennison Pipeline
June 2008. This project includes a pipeline system that would be in use when livestock are in the area. The pipeline would provide adequate water not only for livestock, but for various wildlife as well, including antelope, mule deer, elk and sage grouse.
Hartt Creek
June 2008. This project includes the building of reservoirs; these reservoirs will create a better habitat and watershed storage for livestock and wildlife, including mule deer, elk and antelope.