District 2
Albany and Carbon Counties
Muddy Creek Wetlands VIII
March 2019. Wetland enhancements, including development of new wetland habitat in conjunction with other improvements on Muddy Creek, Carbon County.
Little Snake Fisheries VI
March 2019. Reconstruction and modification of diversion structure to allow for fish passage, and stabilizing and improving fisheries habitat on Savery Creek.
Bridger Pass Fish Passage
March 2019. Bridge installation to replace a culvert on Canary Grove in Muddy Creek to improve beaver population and riparian areas, and removal of the Bridger Pass fish barrier to ensure fish have access to habitat in Muddy Creek Carbon County.
Laramie River/Jelm
March 2019. River and riparian enhancements and restoration, including channel realignment, grade control, toe wood bank stabilization, and increased bedform diversity on the Laramie River, Albany County.
Laramie River/Mountain Meadow
March 2019. Stream restoration, including installation of toe wood bank stabilization to create deeper pools to enhance fish cover and refuge during low flows, improve water control by reducing bank erosion and realign channel to provide a sustainable stream pattern on the Laramie River, Albany County.
Chalk Mountain Fence
March 2019. Removal and replacement of approximately twelve (12) miles of fence, to improve seasonal movement and distribution of pronghorns into and out of their winter range in Carbon County.