District 2

Albany and Carbon Counties

Encampment River WYCO

September 2018. Irrigation dam reconstruction including a new concrete structure, concrete baffles and replacement of irrigation head gate and trash rack in the Encampment River, Carbon County.

Total Project Cost. $1,243,000WWNRT Funding: $220,000Sponsor: Trout Unlimited

Platte Valley Mule Deer

September 2018. Terrestrial habitat enhancement through invasive weed treatments, juniper removal, aspen enhancements, shrub treatment, and 17 miles of wildlife-friendly fence conversions in Carbon County.

Total Project Cost. $1,230,275WWNRT Funding: $140,000Sponsor: Saratoga Encampment Rawlins Conservation District

Pole Mountain Wetlands

March 2018. 17.6 stream miles within 300 feet of streams and wetlands decommissioned and rehabilitated, which results in a reduction in sediment loading into streams and wetlands, and improving aquatic habitat.

Total Project Cost. $171,950WWNRT Funding: $25,000Sponsor: US Forest Service

North Platte Wetlands

March 2018. Continued enhancement of river function on the Ryan Ranch through placement of instream structures.

Total Project Cost: $479,304WWNRT Funding: $132,500Sponsor: Trout Unlimited

Rawlins Fence Conversion 2018

March 2018. Removal of impassable fence sections and replacement with fences designed to allow wildlife movement.

Total Project Cost: $163,000WWNRT Funding: $30,000Sponsor: BLM - Rawlins Field Office

Muddy Creek Wetlands VII

March 2018. Treatment of sagebrush to restore, enhance, and increase habitat quality in an area of high importance to Greater Sage-Grouse, mule deer, antelope, and other species.

Total Project Cost: $205,000WWNRT Funded: $90,000Sponsor: Little Snake River Conservation District

Battle Creek Fish Passage

March 2018. Removal of gravel and dirt push-up dam and replacement with irrigation infrastructure that allows Colorado River cutthroat trout to access upper reaches of Battle Creek, Carbon County.

Total project cost: $500,000WWNRT Funded: $100,000Sponsor: Little Snake River Conservation District

Baggs Fence Modification

March 2018. Removal of wire mesh fence and replacement with wildlife-friendly fencing near Baggs, Carbon County.

Total project cost: $27,300WWNRT Funded: $10,500Sponsor: Little Snake River Conservation District

Wick/Forbes Conifer Removal

March 2018. Improvement of habitats for mule deer, elk, Greater Sage-grouse and other species by removing invasive and encroaching conifers from desirable habitat types by mechanical and other means.

Total project cost: $181,730WWRNT Funded: $83,000Sponsor: Wyoming Game and Fish

Delaney Water Rim

March 2018. Installation of new water pipelines and tie existing water pipelines together, and increase water storage, and add additional tanks to provide more reliable water for wildlife and livestock on approximately 17,280 acres in Sweetwater County.

Total project cost: $105,000WWNRT Funded: $10,000Sponsor: BLM - Rawlins

Savery Creek Tailwaters

March 2018. River stabilization and habitat improvement on Savery Creek below a major reservoir by placement of instream structures.

Total project cost: $586,140WWNRT Funded: $190,000Sponsor: Trout Unlimited