District 7
Natrona County
Stinking Creek
June 2012. Stream habitat improvement through placement of structure that will allow water retention in low flow and expand riparian vegetation. The primary purpose of this project is to reduce erosion and sediment loading in the North Platte River, while improving habitat for Sage-grouse in a Core Population Area.
North Platte Russian Olive
December 2011. Pilot project to show positive effects of removal of noxious invasive species in central Wyoming.
North Laramie Range VI
June 2011. Continuation of conifer removal, mechanical treatment of sagebrush, and chemical treatment of invasive species to enhance and increase forage for mule deer, elk and Sage-grouse south of Casper.
Flying A Ranch Habitat
June 2010. This project will fence natural springs and provide alternative water sources for livestock and wildlife, allowing water quality to improve, and allowing small mosaics of shrub habitat to be maintained for birds and small mammals.
Bolton Creek
June 2010. Using large diameter aspen removed by mechanical treatment on Bates Creek and the North Laramie projects, emerging beaver colonies on Bolton Creek will be provided stable materials to build dams. In areas where beaver have been able to persist, sediment loading from this highly erosive area has been reduced, contributing the higher water quality and fisheries in the North Platte River.
Bates Creek Watershed
December 2009. Mechanical harvest and prescribed fire to enhance and rejuvenate aspen and deciduous shrubs on large watershed south of Casper. Begun in 2006, the project is now in its fifth phase, and includes public access for hunting. Benefits elk, mule deer, Sage-grouse, fisheries and livestock operations. This project may eventually reach hundreds of miles of transitional habitats, and has drawn attention from a wide variety of supporters.
Lost Creek Winter Range
June 2009. Removal of limber pine, juniper and other conifers will help to stimulate curlleaf mountain mahogany on ranges used heavily by mule deer and some elk in central Wyoming. Treatment may include prescribed fire in some areas.
Platte River Restoration
June 2009. The City of Casper has several miles of prime fishing habitat running throughout the community, but the river is in need of bank stabilization and in-stream structural enhancements. Additional work may include wetland development and invasive species control. This grant is to help develop the hydrologic design for restoration of the river system.
Cardwell Spawning Enhancement
June 2008. This project is aimed at providing suitable spawning areas in the North Platte River, between Pathfinder Dam and Alcova Reservoir. Gravel would be used in five locations to create spawning areas. This project is expected to increase the wild trout population in this area.