District 3
Lincoln, Uinta, and Sweetwater Counties
Killdeer Wetlands
December 2009. Large wetland project adjacent to the City of Green River. Project includes river diversion structure that will allow fish passage, delivery system, dam development, and vegetation enhancement, including removal of invasive species. Primary goal of the project is habitat for wading birds, shore birds, waterfowl, and song birds.
Fontenelle Willows
December 2009. Prescribed fire in decadent riparian willow habitats to rejuventate sprouting and production of willow communities. This project is aimed primarily at enhancement of moose habitat, but will also benefit mule deer, Colorado cutthroat trout, and other species. Photo by Molly Box.
Bradley Mountain
June 2009. Prescribed fire and rangeland restoration to enhance aspen and Rocky Mountain maple near Alpine.
Chicken Springs Pipeline
June 2009. Headwaters protection and pipeline to maintain water level in Chicken Springs in Sweetwater County. This area is highly valuable to Sage-grouse and other birds species, as well as antelope.
Shell Oil Farson Project II
June 2009. Continued enhancement of water and wetlands for Sage-grouse, mule deer, and antelope, among other species. This stage of the project focuses on water resources, including perennial wet meadows.
Upper Rock Creek Fish Passage
June 2009. This project will install additional fish screens and bypass channels on Rock Creek to eliminate fish mortality in irrigation canals and restore upstream fish passage for spawning Bonneville Cutthroat trout. This stage of the project will connect the headwaters of the entire stream.
White's Ditch Fish Passage
June 2009. Enhanced diversion structure and elimination of fish barriers on Smith's Fork River to restore upstream fish passage for spawning Bonneville Cutthroat trout.
BQ Fish Passage
June 2009. Current withdrawals at this headgate lead to loss of native Bonneville Cutthroats in late season. This project will place screens to stop entrainment of fish in irrigation systems, and will provide holding waters for fish in late summer.
Greys River Invasives II
June 2009. Continued treatment of invasive vegetation in crucial winter ranges along Grey's River in Lincoln County.
Lower Sage Aspen
June 2009. Commerical timber harvest coupled with prescribed burning will enhance aspen and deciduous shrubs in southern Uinta County. This area is essential for mule deer and elk.