District 3
Lincoln, Uinta, and Sweetwater Counties
Deer-Elk Ecology
September 2017. Research and vegetation inventory on rangelands through mule deer and elk collaring and recapture to evaluate animal condition , diets, survival rates and competition between species in an area of critical importance for large ungulates.
Nelson Diversion
March 2017. Reconstruction of diversion structure to allow fish passage in a river system of high importance to native fishes.
Beaver Creek Riparian
March 2017. Installation of riparian fence to provide habitat and channel stream stability improvements through fencing approximately 134 acres of riparian habitat in Uinta County.
LaBarge Creek Culverts
March 2017. Stream habitat improvements through replacement of culverts that block spawning fish movement in various locations on LaBarge Creek, Lincoln County.
Little Mountain Aspen
March 2017. Construction of 3,800 feet of "steel jack fence: to be used to protect existing aspen stands from excessive herbivory from elk, wild horses and livestock.
Cokeville Tri-Diversion
March 2017. Reconstruction of irrigation diversion to allow fish passage and maintain integrity of natural stream channel on the Smith's Fork River in Lincoln County.
Mill Creek Sagebrush
March 2017. Treatment and reduction of Basin big sagebrush on wildlife and livestock range to increase forage production and quality of browse in an area of high importance to mule deer, elk and antelope in Lincoln County.
LaBarge Fence Modifications
March 2017. Habitat enhancement by fence removal and modifications to improve forage management and allow wildlife migration and movement in Lincoln County.