District 2
Albany and Carbon Counties
Little Snake Wetlands
June 2012. Watershed-scale wetland creation and restoration on main stem of Little Snake River and tributaries, including oxbow restoration and wetland establishment. This project will reduce flooding and improve habitat for a wide variety of species.
Little Snake Aspen V
June 2012. Conifer removal and aspen regeneration on watersheds in the Little Snake River Valley. The project is continuation of efforts begun in 2008 through partnerships with local landowners, industry, and other interests. This project is partially funded by Devon Energy and Anadarko Petroleum.
Baggs Mule Deer III
June 2012. Removal of invasive conifers from crucial winter mule deer ranges, primarily by mechanical treatment and prescribed fire. This project will help to increase the winter carrying capacity for deer in the Baggs area.
Wamsutter Water
June 2012. Replacement of wells that provide water for livestock and wildlife and infrastructure placement that will allow efficient delivery of water for a variety of species. This project is funded primarily by a grant of $220,000 from BP America.
Hutton Lake – Gere and Barbara Kruse Memorial
June 2012. Restoration and creation of wetland habitats that are essential to a variety of bird species, including waterfowl, wading birds, and song birds. Project also includes vegetation restoration and management, as well as invasive species eradication. This project is funded primarily by a grant of $42,500 from Babs Kruse of St. Stephens, in honor of her parents.
Shirley Basin Sage Grouse
June 2012. Water development, grazing management, and invasive species control affecting more than 42,000 acres of Core Population Area for Sage-grouse north of Medicine Bow. This is the continuation of projects beginning in 2007, affecting nearly one million acres of grassland and sagebrush steppe habitats.
Rawlins Sagebrush II
June 2012. Continuation of sagebrush enhancement projects to improve habitat for Sage-grouse, mule deer, and antelope, along with other sagebrush obligate species in Carbon and Sweetwater counties.
Hell Canyon Fish Passage
June 2012. Establishment of fish barrier to preclude migration of non-native fish into habitat occupied by pure strains of Colorado River cutthroat trout. This is the continuation of a watershed enhancement strategy in Carbon County.
Condict Ranch Habitat II
June 2012. Habitat enhancement to improve forage and water for mule deer in the Saratoga Valley.